Sunday, August 29, 2010

day seven

As everyone was getting ready in the morning, were was a silent chill in the air. Settling in is over as this is starting to feel more like a permanent home. We are starting to just go about life only in a new place which is awesome!

Or maybe it was the man none of us knew sitting on our couch awkwardly playing a game on his iPod touch. When a group is comfortable together and you throw in a new variable such as this, it always takes away the original comfort. This particular man was the man who was going to blindfold us all, lock us in his van, and drive us to a part of the city that we had no idea where it was. And the sick part of this, is that we knew he was there to do this and we ALL were going to go along with this. He was the husband of one of the directors and it was his role to test our ability to get around this city using public transportation. As country teams, we were going to be dropped off after being drove around the city while wearing a t-shirt around our head covering our eyes. After being in the car for an hour, feeling like I would puke at any moment from not being able to see, the said we were at our "location" and we were free to get out and get home. And he left. As our blindfolds came off Jacob took 5 seconds and said, "Awesome, I know right where we are. We are REAL far away, but this is easy, lets go!"

They can try and trick team Bolivia, but must realize, you have to try and drop us somewhere other than 3o feet from a bus stop WITH a map on the sign...

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